What is YouPower?
Since 2003, YouPower (formerly known as WCET) has trained community workers in First Nation and Aboriginal communities and non-profit agencies throughout Canada, from the west coast to the east coast. The three training programs include Girl Power, a pre-adolescent girls program, 2BBoys, a pre-adolescent boys program, and Fempower, a young mothers' program.
What does YouPower do?
YouPower programs promote healthy emotional and social development of youth within communities across Canada.
Through education, skill-building, introspection and play, YouPower encourages and fosters self-efficacy, self-expression, authenticity in relating to themselves and others, internal empowerment, cultural identity, enhanced decision-making skills, and ultimately increased self-esteem and self-value.
Who can benefit from YouPower trainings?
YouPower trainings are designed for community leaders, educators, social workers, counsellors, Mental health workers, community nurses, CHR's, RCMP, elders, parents and others who support the growth and development of young people.
Who is YouPower?
Sherry Bezanson is the program developer of Girl Power, 2BBoys, and Fempower. She has a BSW and a M. Ed in Counselling Psychology from the University of Victoria; she is a Registered Clinical Counsellor. Sherry has worked in counselling with youth and adults for over 25 years and has had a private practice for years.
What are People Saying About our Programs?
“I received the Girl Power Groups Facilitator Training in September 2010 by Sherry, the training itself was fast, fun and informative, very easy to transition into creating my own Girl Power Group sessions with my Grade 7 students. The girls appreciated a safe and engaging environment to just be themselves and they enjoyed all of the topics we discussed particularly, the Meditation Lesson. I would highly recommend anyone interested in being a part of empowering girls to honour themselves in a healthy way to take this training! Now 7 years later we continue to run these programs in our community!"
Nicole Werstuik
Manager, Youth/Recreation
Westbank First Nation
Westbank, BC
“What an amazing training experience! Our precious daughters need to know that the blood of a beautiful nation runs through them and that they are beautiful and wonderfully made. They need to know that they can live and walk, dream and run, believe and soar and that they CAN fulfill the destiny that is before them. This training awoke us to see the obstacles that our girls go through and how we need to provide them with a sense of belonging, guidance and assurance that they are gifts from the Creator and they will grow up to be beautiful successful women in the future. Thank you for the bringing this to Treaty Four Territory! Meegwetch! Thank you!”
Vera C. Tourangeau -Treaty Four Student Success Program, 2015.