YouPower Resources
2BBoys Facilitator Training Manual
2BBoys Facilitator Training Manual 53 pages of evidence-based research that includes a current literature review, issues pertinent to First Nation/Aboriginal boys and community work, boys and nature, keys to building healthy boys groups, dealing with group dynamics, and the group model. Plus 50 pages of descriptive and detailed lesson plans and activities.
Price: $295 + GST
Girl Power Facilitator Training Manual
Girl Power Facilitator Training Manual 63 pages of evidence-based research that includes a current literature review, Girl Group philosophy, issues pertinent to First Nation/Aboriginal girls and community work, the Girl Power group model; plus 50 pages of descriptive and detailed lesson plans with all the activities.
Price: $295 + GST
Girl Power Drugs & Alcohol Lesson Plan
Purpose: To discuss drugs and alcohol and learn ways to reduce peer pressure to experiment. This lesson plan is designed to introduce preteens to their vulnerability to experimentation with drugs and alcohol. Sometimes due to low self-esteem, problems at home and low grades in school, youth begin early experimentation with drugs. Early experimentation, before the age of 15, is related to later drug addiction. Sharing information about family addiction is also useful for youth to understand its affects.
Price: $29.50 + GST
Girl Power Giving-Back Lesson Plan
Purpose: Empathy building in order to develop a sense of connection and meaning to ones community. This lesson plan is geared to getting youth to understand the importance of community. Helping others assists people in appreciating the perspective and feelings of others, to sense violations of justice and care and to understand the difference between right from wrong. Being of service will expand youths perspective on empathy, a sense of meaning in life and connection with others.
Price: $29.50 + GST